
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Herbal remedy for "intimate" problems

Many people have a hard time getting in the mood for sex. They may not be feeling as sexy as they want to and this can have an effect on their relationships. They may have a real problem getting intimate and this can make it difficult to get close to anyone that you want to have a committed relationship with.

There are many researchers that are trying to find ways that herbs can help a person with sexual frustration. Many studies have found helpful products to get people feeling the way that they need to be for sex. This has helped many people get back their relationships and feel better about who they are as a person. These herbs are out there to help men and women have a more pleasurable sexual experience.

Normal sexual function will require a person to have healthy organs and healthy glands to produce sex hormones that are needed. Herbs are a great way to get the body balanced and able to function through the glands. The combinations of herb can make it easier for humans to achieve the response to sex that they want.

Herbs can increase the functions of the glands and make it much easier for people to have good sex. These herbs can make it possible for people to have better sex and achieve their goals that they want to have. They can feel more accommodating to their partner and make the experience more pleasurable for both of them.

Herbs are meant to get the person in the mood and increase sexual desire and drive. They can also help with the pleasure that is achieved in the sexual intercourse. Herbs are also able to aid in health conditions that might otherwise keep a person from having sex. These conditions are the following :

* Male impotence and prostate problems
* Female problems of menopause and premenstrual symptoms
* Chronic health disorders like arthritis and diabetes
* Lack of energy and addictions to alcohol and drugs.

If you think that you need some help with your sexual drive, you should think about asking your herbal profession near you what you should do. You can also go online and order what you need if you are worried about privacy and feeling embarrassed. However there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Many people go through these problems and that is what the herbal treatments for sex are there for.

You can get help and it will not be something that will take very long. You will see that in a short time you will get back the sexual drive that you once had and feel great about your body.

POWER31 BRUTAL (code: Brutal) - Design to meet EEC standard. The hottest product in Malaysia and now had penetrated the countries in the region, the Middle East and Europe. Formulated from a combination of spectacular herbs in a base of virgin coconut oil. If you are battling with premature ejaculation or just simply wish to go a little extreme, Brutal is your answer. Satisfy her with mind blowing multiple climaxes and give her the loving she deserves. (for external use only)

Kamar Sutra Lotion (code: LKS) - Specially design and formulated from pure virgin coconut oil and selected natural herbs, a heritage of past generation, to give a spectacular healing effect to the skin, removing dead skin cells, promote the growth/regeneration of new cells, helps to restore the youthfulness and suppleness of the skin and simultaneously making the skin soft and smooth. To be applied internally and externally to the genital. The active ingredients in the lotion will penetrate deep into the skin and treat the cells, activating them. It has a unique function of tightening the vagina thus enhancing its grip simultaneously destroying harmful organism. The aroma of the herbs is refreshing and soothing, eliminating any unpleasant odor. LKS is specially formulated. It is not harmful if it is inadvertently swallowed.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How are herbal treatments usually sold?

There are more and more health stores being erected around the world today. Many of these health stores are not selling the typical medication. There are many that are introducing the great herbal treatments that are needed to make people feel good about their body and t

Example of an American grocery store aisle.Image via Wikipedia

o help them over come sickness and pain.

These herbal treatments are usually sold in many different forms. You can find them in liquid form, capsules, or tablets. You will see that you can get just about anything that you need and it will be very easy for you to take. It will depend on the type of herbal treatment that you are getting and what form if can be made into.

Usually herbal treatments are sold as fresh or dried products too. You can find that many herbal stores are selling the herbal treatments as their true form. You can crush them or chop them up to take them when needed. You will also see that you can get them in powders, solid extracts or even in tea bags. There are many choices for you and you will see that you can get what you need from most of the herbal stores that are around.

There are also many grocery stores that are introducing the herbal treatments now too. You can get dried foods and other items that are used in many herbal stores around the world. There are so many different types of herbs that you can choose from anymore and you will be sure to get what you need to get you feeling good again. You will be able to get your body in tune and feeling the way that it should be.

Many times you can find teas and other extracts that are in herbal form as well. These are great to make as a hot drink or you can add some of the extracts into your beverage. You will not even notice the taste or see a difference in the drink. You will only see the benefits that you will get from the herbs once you have taken them for so long.

Some roots and bark that are in herbal form may require you to be a little more forceful to get their extract. You may have to simmer or boil them longer to get what you want and need from the roots. You will be able to make tea from these items and it will get you feeling good in no time at all.

The cost of the herbal treatments will vary. There are some that are more expensive than others and it will depend on what you need. You will see that you will pay far less for the herbs than you would if you were buying medicine. You will not have to buy them as often and you will see the positive effects that the herbs bring to you in a shorter time.


Monday, September 28, 2009

Herbal remedy for smoking

There are plenty of people that are smoking these days. This is not a very healthy habit to have. It can make you smell bad, make you sick and make others sick as well. Smoking is a great killer in the world that we live in today and more and more people are trying to kick the habi

Cigarette butts in ash tray.Image via Wikipedia

t once and for all. However, this is not always easy. You may need a little bit of assistance in this recovery.

Herbal remedies for smoking is a great way to end the digesting habit of smoking. There is no reason to continue to harm your health by smoking. You should try and find anyway that you can to end this habit and get yourself on the right track. Herbal treatments are a great form of this type of health and you will be a better person for it once you have seen the results.

There are many different forms of herbal remedies for quitting smoking. You will see that there are many unique methods that you can take. You can easily end your ways and do it without making yourself crazy. You will not have to go through the ordeals that many have to when they quit smoking. You will have an easier time because you are doing it naturally without the using more drugs to end another drug entering your body.

There are so many great people that have been helped by herbal remedies for quitting smoking. You too, will be able to survive without the use of cigarettes. You can have a great life when you decide to make the choice to be happy and healthy without smoking. This is something that can make you a better person and one that will not have to depend on smoking to make them happy.

With the use of herbs, you will be eliminating the want that you have for smoking. Many people also feel as if they need to smoke in order to survive. They can survive and feel good about themselves when they use the herbal treatments that are in place for them. You will want to check out the different things that are offered to you and what you can find to make smoking a thing of the past for you.

You will feel better physically and emotionally when you use an herbal remedy to stop smoking. You will see the difference in a short time and you will be able to get healthy and make your family happy too. You will be adding years to your life just by ending the habit of smoking through a natural and safe treatment. Do it now for you and for your life.

Herbal Remedy Uncovered


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Herbal acne remedy

Using herbs to help cure acne is great. You can find that you may want to use these herbal treatments because they are much safer and more effective than the ones that you b

Arabic Book of Simple Drugs from Dioscorides’ ...Image via Wikipedia

uy in the store. They smell better and usually work a lot faster too. You will see the difference that you will have after you try just one use of the herbal acne remedy.

Now herbal remedies may not work for everyone. You may have to use some other types of treatment if you have it in extreme cases. You will want to do what is best for you and what will give you the quickest results that you want. You may want to consult with your dermatologist to find out what you should do for your situation. This is especially true if you are already taking any kind of medications.

You can get herbal acne treatments from your herbal retailers. They will usually have something that will help you or they will order it for you. There are options for you and you will want to choose the right acne medication that will work best for you and your situation. You can also go online and find many different sites that offer the ability to get you the herbal treatments that you need for your acne.

There may be some side effects to acne herbal remedies. You may have problems with your herbal treatments and if you start to notice anything, you should consult with your doctor right away. You may need to discontinue use if you are having any type of problem that may be serious. You will want to make sure that you are doing what is necessary to keep yourself safe and also getting rid of the acne that you have.

Some of the herbal acne treatments are in the form of a pill. Some are also made into creams and ointments. You will see that there are different types of herbal treatments for you to try and this will get you the skin that you are looking for. You will not have worry about making yourself sick or burning your skin with the herbs. They are natural and safe and you should not have any problems taking them.

Using herbal acne treatments is a good way to get great looking skin too? They will usually have all natural ingredients to make your skin as soft as it can be. You will have a better completion and you will not have to worry about damaging your skin with the medications that you may be using now. You will be doing something good for your body and also your emotional well being too.

Herbal Remedy Uncovered


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Aloe as an herbal treatment

Aloe is a great form of an herb. There are many people that depend on the use of aloe to help them with many things. Aloe is a gel that has a sticky residue and comes from a plant in A

Aloe aristataImage via Wikipedia

frica. The gel is part of the aloe plant and is usually used in many forms of treatment.

People use aloe for many day-to-day treatments. There are some that believe that aloe helps in the healing process. They believe this so much that they have aloe plants in their home for this use alone. It can help in the healing of burns, wounds, sunburn, herpes, and psoriasis. Aloe will usually help any time of skin irritation without the nasty side effects.

There are many oral uses for aloe too. You can use it for help with ulcers, diabetes, Croons disease, and constipation. You will find that if you take a little bit of the aloe, you will see the results start to appear in a quick amount of time. You will see that you can benefit from aloe and having aloe plants in your home.

There are many researchers taking on the challenge of finding out what aloe can do for you. You may want to take some time and look up the effects and the studies that many have dedicated to aloe. You will find a lot of useful information that may help you with your choice to use aloe. There are different forms of aloe and you want to make sure that you are using the right one for your problem.

Aloe has been known to make your skin healthier as well. There are many lotions and creams that have aloe already in them. You can pick these items up at your local store and use them as directed. They are a great way to keep your skin looking and feeling great. Many times, aloe is a great relief for dry and chapped skin that many people suffer from in the winter months.

There are some people that are allergic to aloe. If you see any type of rash or problem start, you should discontinue your use and see your physician right away. These problems are not very common, but like with any ingredient you can have allergic reactions happen at any time. The thing to do is make sure that you are watching for any problems that may happen and think about what you are using on your body. When you are using aloe correctly and have no allergies to it, you should see results happen for you in a short amount of time.

Herbal Remedy Uncovered


Friday, September 25, 2009

Are herbal treatments consistent?

There are more and more herbal companies getting involved in the process of making herbal treatments. You will see that there are more and more makers of these great helpful resources and you will see that you will be able to get them a little easier. However, are the makers

Herbs: basil, scallionImage via Wikipedia

of the herbs consistent and can you trust what you are buying in the stores?

The standardization of the process of making herbal treatments is to be sure that each of the packages has the same things in them and the same amounts as well. In some of the cases, the standardization will involve specific chemicals that can be used to make the product. This is a great method of quality control for the herbal treatments that are made as well.

Herbal treatments are not required to be standardized in the US. There are no legal or formal regulations for them to follow. Due to this, the standardization of the herbal treatments can be different things. Some of the makers of the herbal treatments will follow certain recipes and significant products when they are making them. However, the consistency of the herbs does not always include the same.

The makers of the herbal treatments are responsible for the herbals effect in the body. Each of the products has a consistent health benefit. They are not all clearly identified at this point, however we know they are there and that you can feel good after you take them. There are so many different resources for the herbal treatments that you can get what you need with each treatment that you are taking.

Remember that different herbs will have different effects on the body. No one will feel the same from him or her. You need to feel out what is going to work best for you and your situation. Once you do this, you will have a better chance at feeling good again and not being so dependent on the regular medicine that you once took. Herbal treatments may help you and they may not, however it is recommended that you at least give them a try to see if they can help you or not.

You can speak to an herbal nutritionist to see if they can give you advice and offer you some help with your situation. You will see that you can get what you are needing from the herbal treatments as long as you follow the dose an the procedures. You may find that it takes longer for some of the herbs to take affect, but you will feel better and you will not be so dependent on prescription medication anymore.

Herbal Remedy Uncovered


Natural remedies and Home remedies for Dark Circles Under Eyes

Dark circles under eyes are a common beauty problem. These under eye dark circles give us an appearance of tiredness or illness. They make us to feel worse and are rather detrimental to our self esteem.

Dark circlesImage via Wikipedia

What are dark circles under eyes?

The skin below our eyes is very thin and is sparsely dotted with oil glands unlike the skin on rest of the body. Due to various reasons the skin under the eyes becomes thin and dry. Veins below eyes appear prominently when the under eye skin becomes dry and thin. This lends the area a dark appearance.

What causes dark circles under eyes?

There are various reasons which cause dark circles. Few of them have been listed below.


If others in your family have dark circles then there are fair chances of you getting dark circles under eyes. The thinness of under eye skin is a hereditary character. The thin under eye skin reveals dark veins underneath and appears as dark circles under eyes.

If you are more prone to allergies like itching of skin which is inherited then dark circles under eyes may be caused due to rubbing and inflammation of under eye skin.

Lack of Sleep and Fatigue:

Partying all night, lack of sleep, fatigue, sinus infections, pregnancy all these may cause paleness of skin. Pale skin makes blood vessels to appear prominently and give an appearance of dark circles.

Structure of Bone

Eyes set deep in skull bones may develop ark shadow under them.

Exposure to Sunlight

Exposure to sun light increases the level of pigmentation and cause tanning. Same thing applies well for the skin under eyes. When skin under eyes gets exposed to sun it tans and appears dark.


Medications which cause dilation of blood vessels cause dark circles under eyes. Dilated blood vessels allow more blood to flow through them and these blood vessels look prominent through under eye skin which is very thin.


Poor nutrition leads to paleness of skin under eyes. Lack of essential nutrients in diet or poor diet causes discoloration of under eye skin.

Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal Imbalance during pregnancy, menstruation, menopause etc cause paleness of skin and this leads to appearance of dark circles under eyes.


As we grow old the skin under eyes become more dry and wrinkled. The wrinkled skin below eyes appears as dark circles around eyes.

Tips for Dark eye Circles

How to get rid of dark circle under eyes is the question that arises in your mind when you are suffering from under eye dark circles. Here are solutions for under eye dark circles

1.Concealing the dark circles around eyes through make up techniques.

2.Avoiding use of bleach or peels to make the dark circles around eyes light.

3.Treat the cause of illness mentioned above.

4.Sleep for sufficiently long hours to prevent formation of dark circles under eyes.

5.Do not scratch the under eye skin.

6.Diet, which is rich in nutrients helps to remove dark circles around eyes.

7.Lightly tap the under eye skin with one or two fingers to

8.Increase the blood circulation.

Ayurveda treatment for dark circles under eyes

Accumulation of toxins in body cause dark circles.The ayurveda treatment for dark circle consists of two steps.

1.Body detoxification.

2.Skin rejuvenation .

Top Ten Home remedies for Dark circles under eye

1.Grate cucumber and squeeze fresh juice out of gratings. Dip two cotton balls in it and keep these cotton balls on eyes. This relaxes eyes and relieves tiredness of eyes. Considered as the best remedy for under eye dark circles.

2.The above process has been found to be effective when done using potato.

3.Apply a paste of lemon juice, tomato puree, orange lentil flour (masoor dal ) and turmeric powder (if you are not allergic to it) on under eye dark circles. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash it off.

4.Drink plenty of water (more than 15 glasses)

5.Eat fresh fruits, green vegetables which are rich in fiber.

6.Sleep well at least for 7-8 hrs daily.

7.Reduce stress levels by practicing yoga and meditation. Pranayama reduces dark circles and increases glow of skin.

352/365 Cucumber relaxationImage by stuartpilbrow via Flickr

8.Avoid sweets and chocolates.

9.Dip two cotton balls in rose water and place them on your eyes, covering dark circles.

10.Keep thin cold cucumber slices on eyes when your eyes are too tiered.

Herbal Remedy Uncovered


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Natural Medicine And Herbs – Economical Home Cures And Beauty Aids

Have you ever come down with some ailment just when the local pharmacy is closed? There must be some natural medicine and herbs in the kitchen you can use.

I’m going through my kitchen right now to see what organic body products I can come up with. My eyes are really tired so I cut two slices of fresh cucumber and press over each eye. Boy is that refreshing!

Echte Kamille (Matricaria recutita)Image via Wikipedia

Chamomile in natural herb form or in tea bags is a great natural medicine. Once, I suffered from eye secretion. I headed straight for the kitchen and found chamomile as a herbal supplement. I immersed chamomile tea bags in boiling water, let them cool, applied one to each eye, (never use the same tea bag on both eyes so as not to re-infect), and finally gently wiped the secretion brushing from the inner corner of the eye towards the outer . After a couple of applications of this home remedy the secretion was completely cleared up!

Chamomile is also great for removing pus from pimples. Peering into the mirror, my daughter wailed, “Oh, mom, I have this horrible pussy pimple on my face.” No problem. After pressing a chamomile tea bag that had been immersed in boiling water to the pimple a couple of times, voilĂ , the pimple burst and out came the pus to be wiped away with a ball of sterile cotton batten.

And how’s about avocado? I scoop this home cure and beauty treatment out of its peel, mash it up, and gently rub it on my face and around my fingernails for softness and skin nourishment.

Natural medicines, home cures, and beauty aids are definitely my idea of fun and economical too!

Herbal Remedy Uncovered


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Nature of Nature Cure

Nature Cure is a modern nature based Medical science that works to :

>> improve your digestion and circulation

Gardener GardeningImage via Wikipedia

>> strengthen your immune system
>> and help you decrease your stress and increase your energy

It does this by using some methods from cutting edge science and technology and some from the ancient past – it gives us the best from “Professor’s medicine” and the best from “Grandma’s medicine”.

Nature Cure is like gardening

There are two types of gardeners. There is the gardener who plants seeds and seedlings unsuited to the soil of that garden, who dashes about spraying with chemicals, putting plants in formal settings in straight lines, often frustrated that the garden is not doing what he wants. And there is the gardener who cultivates and feeds the soil, uses plants suited to that soil, nourishes the plants, watches them with patience and with curiosity and is often delighted with what the garden reveals to her.

The first type of gardener is like a standard Family Physician or Doctor writing prescriptions for chemical medicines that will apply “force” to the body, suppressing symptoms, preventing some parts of the metabolism working and often producing serious damage-side effects. The second type of gardener is like a Nature Cure Practitioner using diet and dietary supplements, to nourish a patient and using hydrotherapy and Physical therapy and Psychological therapy to support a patient and help recovery. The Naturopath watches the patient with patience and curiosity and is often delighted with what the patient achieves

Nature Cure is like music

An Orchestra needs a conductor. The conductor does not play or sing. Apparently they just stand at the front and wave their arms about. In reality it is the understanding of the conductor that releases the music. Without the apparently nonsensical waving there is no music.

In Nature Cure we do not “cure the patient” – we plan the cure, conduct it and do all we can to help. The Naturopath orchestrates the healing process

Nature Cure is like love.

Love is defined as “devoted attachment and kindness” . In a loving relationship there is respect and support. In Nature Cure we respect the body’s ability to follow its own intelligent processes and priorities. We support the healing process with time and energy. The body has amazing innate intelligence and healing ability– when you realise that, you cannot help respecting it and supporting it.

Let us give the last word on Nature Cure to one of the greatest thinkers of all time, Socrates :

“..... you have heard eminent physicians say to a patient who comes to them with bad eyes, that they cannot cure his eyes by themselves, but if his eyes are to be cured, his head must be treated: and then again they say that to think of curing the head alone, and not the rest of the body also, is the height of folly. And arguing in this way they apply their methods to the whole body, and try to treat and heal the whole and the part together. And this is the reason why the cure of many diseases is unknown to the physicians of Hellas, because they are ignorant of the whole, which ought to be studied also; for the part can never be well unless the whole is well.“ Taken from a letter written by Socrates to Plato 400 BC !

Herbal Remedy Uncovered


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Traditional Chinese Medicine To Help Stroke Patients Achieve Better Rehabilitation

Now scientists are impressed with how the ancient therapy can help stroke patients get back to a more normal life. NeuroAidTM was historically developed in China as a traditional chinese medicine to help stroke patients achieve better rehabilitation.

Traditional Chinese medicine shop in Tsim Sha ...Image via Wikipedia

Moleac, a bio pharmacy company, is bringing NeuroAid to western medicine internationally and ensures it meets western medicine standards to attend to the needs of stroke sufferers: NeuroAid supports them to achieve better
neurological and functional recovery.

Researchers from the Universitys School of Health Professions and Rehabilitation Sciences and the School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) have developed a technology to help stroke patients to re-learn movement, and local people are being invited to participate in trials.


Stroke is the number one cause of serious adult disability in the United States. Stroke is currently the third leading cause of death in the United States. Stroke ranks as the third leading cause of death in the world and is a main reason for disability and dependency in the elderly.

Stroke has a greater disability impact than any other medical condition. Stroke-related deficits are severe in approximately one third of the survivors and moderate or mild in the other two thirds. Stroke patients have been shown to achieve significantly lower maximal workloads and heart rate and blood pressure responses than control subjects during progressive exercise testing to volitional fatigue.

Stroke patients usually experience the most dramatic recovery in the first 30 days but may continue to improve more gradually for months. Stroke Drug The first of Moleac's offering is Neuroaid, the first drug that can help patients recover faster from their stroke disabilities.


Patients suffer physical and other problems, such as loss of memory,vision, spatial awareness and mobility through paralysis. Patients may find that they can no longer understand written words, that they cannot pronounce words anymore, or that they can speak volumes of words but fail to convey the meanings they intend.

Patients in the study were offered 10 weeks the therapy, in which restraint of the unaffected arm forced them to use their affected arm for everyday tasks. Patients then engaged in daily repetitive task and behavioral shaping sessions, which included training in tasks such as opening a lock, turning a doorknob, or pouring a drink.

Patients using simulator training were more likely both to pass the driver's test and to retain the skill level achieved in training. NeuroAidhas shown efficacy for patients who suffered a stroke in the past 6months and have resulting loss of motor function or independence.


New methods for speeding recovery will have an enormous impact for the individuals involved and for the costs of providing long-term therapy, support and care.

Now MIT pioneers in the field of robotic therapy are hoping a robotic gym full of machines targeted at different parts of the body will significantly improve stroke patients' movement in arms, wrists, hands, legs and ankles.

In the first clinical trial, the researchers found that stroke patients who used the machine four to five hours a week improved further and faster, as measured by increased function of the impaired limb, than a second group of patients that did not receive robot-assisted therapy. "We're looking for efficiency because in the long run we could -- it might be possible to do some of the therapy with a robot instead of having to ask somebody to drive in to the therapy center.


Monday, September 21, 2009

The Use of Chinese Herbs for Lyme Disease

A number of Chinese herbs can be useful for the many different facets of Lyme Disease. Lyme Disease is a bacterial infectious disease caused by the spirochetal organism, Borrelia Burgdorferi. It is usually caused by a tick bite. The prevalence of the disease is greatest in the northeastern United States, but there have been cases of the illness in all lower 48 states.

The disease is easy to treat with antibiotics in its initial stages, but it is often not detected at that point. There is a bull’s eye rash that is characteristic of the disease, but many people never get the rash. The rash looks different in people with darker pigmentation, making it easy to mistake it for other skin conditions, including bruising or eczema. The wide variety of symptoms that a person can have in its later stages makes it hard to obtain a proper diagnosis, and the medical testing for the illness is still not very accurate in many cases.

People with later stages of Lyme need treatment on a number of different levels. At the very basic level, herbs that are anti-bacterial, specifically against spirochetal bacteria, are an important component of treatment. Herbs that have been shown to have activity against spirochetal bacteria include coptis (huang lian), andrographis paniculata (chuan xin lian), isatis (ban lan gen/qing dai), phellodendron (huang bai), scute (huang qin), forsythia (lian qiao), smilax (tu fu ling), and gardenia (zhi zi). Garlic is also a useful antibacterial supplement for those with Lyme Disease.

Lyme disease can lower body temperature and create poor blood circulation. A person is also likely to feel cysts, lumps, and swellings in different areas of their body that often change and move. The bacteria walls itself off, and creates an environment in which it can grow and thrive and the person with the disease ends up in severe pain, with horribly low energy, and neurological problems. The disease thrives in a low temperature, low oxygen environment, and that is the environment it creates within the body.

People with the disease often have signs and symptoms similar to someone with severe altitude sickness (also caused by a low oxygen environment). Chinese herbs that clear blood stasis and break blood stagnation can be very useful for this aspect of the disease. The herb, pseudoginseng (san qi), can be extremely beneficial for people with Lyme Disease. It promotes blood circulation and oxygenation in the body, and can force open the cysts that protect the bacteria from being killed off. It also can help clear some of the brain fog that people with this disease have by improving blood circulation and oxygenation to the brain. Frankincense (ru xiang), and myrrh (mo yao) can also help by improving blood circulation, especially to the joints, where the bacteria

Ceylon cinnamon (Cinnamomum Verum) and Indones...Image via Wikipedia

often hides in cartilaginous tissue where blood circulation tends to be poorer. An herb that is frequently used by people with Lyme Disease, teasel root, is beneficial because it improves circulation in the body and also has a warming affect. All of these herbs can help significantly with the intense and chronic pain that those with later stages of Lyme disease experience.

Certain Chinese herbs can be used to reduce the person’s sensitivity to cold and improve microcirculation in the body. Herbs such as clove, cinnamon, ginger, and siegesbeckia can be useful for this purpose.

The lymphatic system and the metabolism are often compromised in people with Lyme Disease. The bacteria frequently hides inside the walls of white blood cells, and results in swollen and congested lymph glands. People with the disease often have symptoms of hypothyroidism and a slowed metabolic rate even if all of their thyroid tests are normal. In Chinese Medicine, herbs that treat phlegm are frequently used for conditions related to a slow metabolism and a congested lymphatic system. The Chinese herb, prunella vulgaris (xia ku cao), and scrophularia (xuan shen) are very useful for inflammation, congestion, and infection of the lymphatic system. Herbs such as citrus aurantium, kelp, epimedium, and Siberian ginseng, can be beneficial for improving a sluggish metabolism in people with Lyme Disease who have signs or symptoms of an underactive thyroid.

Another aspect of Lyme Disease is severe and debilitating fatigue and a total lack of energy. This can be due to a host of different factors. Poor oxygenation and blood circulation and lowered metabolism and body temperature are part of the picture. The person’s adrenal glands may not be functioning properly either. Someone with Lyme Disease may also have a host of digestive problems that result in a lack of adequate nutrition. The disease itself can trigger chemical changes in the brain that create severe depression and an inability to concentrate, which is debilitating as well.

In Chinese medicine, herbs that nourish the qi and blood can help this lack of energy. The herbs can improve the person’s digestive functioning, support the functioning of the brain, support proper functioning of the adrenal glands, and improve the person’s ability to handle stress. They can also help the proper functioning of the mitochondria in their production of ATP in the cells, which helps a person’s energy at a very fundamental level. Siberian ginseng, schizandra, licorice, and astragalus are all good herbs for improving a person’s energy level, digestive functioning, and their ability to handle stress. White peony, dong quai, and wolfberry nourish the blood and reduce fatigue. Polygonum and eucommia can help improve a person’s adrenal response and can improve brain functioning. Bupleurum, longan fruit, zyzyphus seed, dragon bone, oyster shell, and magnolia bark can be beneficial for the depression, anxiety, lack of concentration, and sleep problems that people with Lyme Disease experience.

As you can see, Lyme Disease is a complex illness with many facets. Chinese herbal medicine has numerous herbs in its pharmacopia that can treat the many different aspects of this disease in a comprehensive and holistic manner.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Power Of Natural Alternative Medicine - Part 2

Since the 1930s there has been research involving natural alternative medicine. Here are some notable examples of physicians who came to note the power of natural medicine.

Dr's. Wilfred and Evan Shute.
In 1933 Dr's. Wilfred and Evan Shute were some of the first doctors to use large doses of vitamin E to treat heart disease. At that time, antioxidants and free radicals were rather obscure concepts in the chemistry of oxidation, far removed from issues of health and disease. Also at that time, using vitamins to treat serious diseases such as heart disease and diabetes was considered by the medical establishment as misguided at best and outright fraud at worst.

In 1985, Linus Pauling wrote: "The failure of the medical establishment during the last forty years to recognize the value of vitamin E in controlling heart disease is responsible for a tremendous amount of unnecessary suffering and for many early deaths. The interesting story of the efforts to suppress the Shute discoveries about vitamin E illustrates the shocking bias of organized medicine against nutritional measures for achieving improved health."

Dr. Szent-Györgyi.
Dr. Györgyi became interested in a chemical agent, present in plant juices, which had the effect of delaying oxidation, such as the browning of a sliced apple exposed to the air. He suggested that this agent, which was also present in cabbages and oranges, was the mysterious Vitamin. By 1933, he had isolated the substance in kilogram lots and named it "ascorbic acid" which means "the acid which prevents scurvy." In 1937, he won the 1937 Nobel Prize for his discovery of vitamin C. He was the first to predict the use of Vitamin C for cancer.

Irwin Stone, PhD
Irwin Stone became interested in the anti-oxidant properties of ascorbic acid, then newly discovered, as a means of protecting food against deterioration. He continued his study of vitamin C for the next 50 years, and in the 1950s he established that humans would benefit from ingesting much larger amounts of ascorbates than the medical and nutritional establishments considered adequate.

Dr. Fredrick Klenner.
"In the early 1950s, Dr. Fredrick Klenner began his work with mega doses of vitamin C. He used doses up to 100 grams per day orally or intravenously. In clinical reports he recorded the excellent response he saw when it was given in large doses. For example, polio patients given vitamin C suffered no residual defects from their polio. A controlled study in England on 70 children, half given vitamin C and half given placebo, confirmed that none of the ascorbate treated cases developed any paralysis while up to 20 percent of the untreated group did. This study was not published because the Salk Vaccine had just been developed and no one was interested in vitamins. Dr. Klenner's work was ignored."

Dr. Klenner was the first physician to emphasize that small amounts of ascorbate do not work. He said, "If you want results, use adequate ascorbic acid." As a result of seeing consistent cures of a great variety of viral and bacterial diseases with huge doses of vitamin C, he published over twenty medical reports. Orthodox medicine's rejection of his lifesaving work stands as a reminder to all medical mavericks practicing today. "Some physicians," Klenner wrote, "would stand by and see their patient die rather than use ascorbic acid because, in their finite minds, it exists only as a vitamin."

Dr. William J. McCormick.
Over 50 years ago, it was Toronto physician William J. McCormick, M.D., who pioneered the idea that poor collagen formation, due to vitamin C deficiency, was a principal cause of diverse conditions ranging from stretch marks to cardiovascular disease and cancer. This theory would become the foundation for Linus Pauling and Ewan Cameron's decision to employ large doses of vitamin C to fight cancer.

Over twenty years before Pauling, McCormick had already reviewed the nutritional causes of heart disease and noted that four out of five coronary cases in hospital show vitamin C deficiency. McCormick also early proposed vitamin C deficiency as the essential cause of, and effective cure for, numerous communicable illnesses, becoming an early advocate of using vitamin C as an antiviral and an antibiotic. Modern writers often pass by the fact that McCormick actually advocated vitamin C to prevent and cure the formation of some kidney stones as far back as 1946.

Linus Pauling, PhD
It was two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling who coined the term "ortho molecular." Ortho molecular medicine describes the practice of preventing and treating disease by providing the body with optimal amounts of substances which are natural to the body. Pauling identified sickle-cell anemia as the first molecular disease and subsequently laid the foundation for molecular biology, and then developed a theory that explained the molecular basis of vitamin therapy. Irwin Stone first introduced Pauling to Vitamin C, recommending 3,000mg a day, which was 50 times the RDA. Pauling and his wife began taking this amount, the severe colds that he had suffered from several times a year all his life no longer occurred. After a few years he increased his intake of vitamin C to 100 times, then 200 times, and then 300 times the RDA (now 18,000 mg per day). Pauling lived to be 93.

"Professor Pauling, as always, is ahead of his time. The latest research on vitamin C substantiates his twenty-five years of advocacy and investigation on the benefits of vitamin C.", said J. Daniel Kanofsky, MD, MPH, Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

Dr. Josef Issels.
Because of his well-known professional skills, his kindness, and relatively high rate of survivors, many cancer patients in the terminal stage came to consult German Dr. Josef Issels. In 1951, one wealthy and grateful patient funded his private clinic, where he continued his successful work until 1960, when he was arrested by the German 'Kriminalpolizei' on the instigation of his medical opponents. He had to close down his clinic for years, in spite of a report from an independent scientist who had concluded that, of 252 terminal cancer patients with histologically proved metastases, 42 had survived for at least five years (17%) with the Issels therapy. For terminal patients, such a score is disproportionately high.

Issels believed that cancer was the end stage, the ultimate symptom, of a lifetime of immune system damage which had created an environment for the tumor to grow. He argued that conventional therapy just looked at the tumor without recognizing this longtime pre conditioning period. Dr. Issels saw the body as having great potential to heal itself. Good nutrition and a clean environment were central to his therapy.

In the end, Issels was proven to be right. From 1967 to 1970, Professor J. Anderson of King's College Hospital and member of the World Health Organization inspected Issels' reopened clinic. He confirmed the highly significant survival rate of Issels' terminal cancer patients. His legacy is continued by the work of his wife, Ilsa and his son Christian.

Dr. William Kaufman.
Dr. Kaufman was among the very first physicians to therapeutically employ mega doses of vitamin B3 (niacin, or niacin amide). He prescribed as much as 5,000 mg of niacin amide daily, in many divided doses, to dramatically improve and restore range of joint motion in arthritic patients. Kaufman said, "I noted that niacin amide (alone or combined with other vitamins) in a thousand patient-years of use has caused no adverse side effects."

Over 50 years ago, Kaufman showed remarkable foresight half a century into the future of ortho molecular medicine, describing how the lack of a just a single nutrient can cause diverse diseases, including what is now known as attention-deficit hyper activity disorder.

Emanuel Cheraskin, MD, DMD.
Dr. Cheraskin was among the very first to recognize and demonstrate that oral health indicates total body health. "Health is the fastest growing failing business in western civilization," he said. "Why is it so many of us are 40 going on 70, and so few 70 going on 40?" The answer, he said, was our neglect of the paramount value of nutrition, an educational deficiency that Dr. Cheraskin devoted a lifetime to eradicating.

Hugh Desaix Riordan, M.D.
Hugh Riordan was one of the most knowledgeable, both as a maverick par excellence and as an historian of mavericks. Hugh was an ortho molecular fighter, who fought hard and consistently on behalf of ortho molecular concepts. He was challenged legally when he wanted to treat his patients with high dose vitamins in the hospital. He won. He was the first to demonstrate how large doses of vitamin C are chemotherapeutic for cancer patients. His main work had to do with the schizophrenic syndrome and with the treatment of cancer using nontoxic vitamin C chemotherapy. Hugh was the leader in making available to cancer patients a treatment that is effective, safe, economical and very tolerable.

Abram Hoffer, M.D., PhD
Dr. Abram Hoffer has spent the past five decades conducting research related to the practice of ortho molecular medicine, which emphasizes the use of nutrients in optimum doses for the treatment of a wide range of diseases.

In 1952, Dr. Hoffer and his colleagues began developing a more effective treatment for schizophrenia that involved a biochemical hypothesis. They tried two nutrients: vitamin C and vitamin B3. He found that we could halve the two-year recovery rate of patients just by adding these vitamins to the program. This was the first major systematic attempt to use large dosages of vitamins therapeutically. In 1955 he also discovered that niacin lowered cholesterol levels.

These pioneers and others were first ridiculed, and were ignored by the medical establishment, but were eventually proven to be right.

This publication is courtesy of RMBarry Publications who publish various books about Melaleuca Products (also commonly misspelled as meleleuca")


Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Power of Natural Alternative Medicine - Part 1

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human body, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."...Thomas Edison, 1902.

Edison applied Image via Wikipedia

We have many different options for healthcare today, but the focus will be on biologically based treatments and prevention. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) defines the scope of biologically based practices to include, but is not limited to, botanicals, animal-derived extracts, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids, proteins, prebiotics and probiotics, whole diets, and functional foods.

But first, let's take a look at the different philosophies of healthcare practiced today. Allopathic, alternative, complementary, integrative-what does it all mean? Each includes many different kinds of therapies, and although alternative, complementary and integrative are sometimes used interchangeably, the general focus of each is different.

Allopathic medicine focuses on disease and the treatment of the physical body with drugs and surgery. These are conventional physicians with the title of M.D. that are universally recognized as having a medical degree.

Alternative medicine includes those therapies not generally recommended by allopathic physicians. It includes Energy Medicine, Ethnomedicine, Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Homeopathic Medicine, Botanical or Herbal Medicine, Bio molecular Medicine, Manual Medicine, Spiritual Medicine.

Complementary medicine includes therapies used by both alternative and allopathic physicians. It includes Exercise Medicine, Environmental Medicine, Social Medicine, Nutritional Medicine.

Integrative medicine is the attempt to integrate the many philosophies of medicine, allopathic, complementary, and alternative, to treat the whole person, physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual.

Many people are hesitant about trusting their healthcare to anyone other than an allopathic physician. But did you know that Naturopathic Medical Doctors are the only physicians who receive complete training in conventional medicine as well as natural medicine? Licensed Naturopathic medical doctors (N.M.D./N.D.) attend a four-year graduate level Naturopathic medical school where they are educated in all of the same basic sciences as a conventional M.D. In addition to this training, they are extensively educated in the philosophy and implementation of safe and effective natural therapeutics with a strong emphasis on disease prevention. Unfortunately, some states do not yet offer licensing for Naturopathic Doctors.

Allopathic physicians and pharmaceutical drugs are, and always will be, necessary for acute, emergency medical care and trauma, as well as for conditions that cannot be controlled with lifestyle changes, good nutrition and supplements. But many conditions can be prevented and controlled with lifestyle changes and biologically based medicine. Just as many pharmaceutical drugs can interact with other drugs, some biologically based supplements may interact with drugs and cause side effects, so a healthcare provider should always be consulted before adding supplements to the diet. In some cases, alternative therapy may actually have beneficial synergistic effects in conjunction with existing medical therapy, even when not feasible as a replacement.

Biologically based medicine is not new. It was practiced for thousands of years before pharmaceutical companies began manufacturing the first synthetic drugs. In addition, many of the pharmaceutical preparations used around the world are based on plants. As late as the 1930's, the formulation of about 80% of synthetic pharmaceutical drugs began with a natural compound. Today, about 25% of prescription drugs contain active ingredients derived from plants.

The United States has the most advanced medical system in the world, yet the population is increasingly turning to natural healing methods. However, the U.S. still lags behind world stats. A survey of 31,000 U.S. adults conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics in 2004 showed that 35 percent use some form of complementary and alternative medicine. Today, the World Health Organization estimates that herbal medicine is still the primary source of health care for approximately 80 percent of the world's population.

Chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are the leading causes of death and disability in the United States. These diseases and other chronic diseases such as obesity, depression, metabolic and digestive disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, and fibroids, account for 7 of every 10 deaths and affect the quality of life of 90 million Americans. Chronic diseases are among the most prevalent and most costly, yet they are the most preventable.

Conventional physicians treat chronic diseases with expensive pharmaceuticals that may temporarily relieve the painful or uncomfortable symptoms, but the drugs do nothing to resolve the underlying cause, and may actually cause other side effects and serious problems. Because nutrition affects our immune system, organ function, hormonal balance and cellular metabolism, many of these chronic conditions and diseases can be traced to a nutrition deficiency. When the deficiency is not corrected, symptoms begin to appear and eventually lead to disease and premature aging.

Many pharmaceuticals can effectively be replaced with multi vitamin supplements, botanicals, amino acids, prebiotics and probiotics, fresh foods and functional foods for both prevention and treatment. Because herbs work synergistically, combinations of herbs with similar properties enhance the properties of each. This is why choosing a product containing a combination of different herbs is usually more effective than choosing individual selections. An example of this is the combination of valerian, passion flower and hops to promote relaxation and restful sleep. All three have a relaxing effect on the body. Valerian relaxes muscle tension, while hops relaxes the nervous system, and passiflora acts as a sedative. Popular alternative medicine company Melaleuca even offers a product called RestEZ that offers a supplement that contains all three natural sleep enhancers: valerian, passion flower and hops.

In part two of The Power of Natural Alternative Medicine we will discuss the regulation of nutritional supplements and little known history of natural medicine.


Friday, September 18, 2009

The Origins Of Alternative Medicine

The origins of alternative medicine, also known as holistic medicine, can be traced back thousands of years to the very roots of medicine. Many millennia ago, physicians or

VivoCity in SingaporeImage via Wikipedia

healers would assess the sick person’s emotional condition in addition to their physical symptoms before beginning treatment. The roots of alternative medicine deal with the symptoms of the “whole” person, not merely the physical signs of illness. This is radically different from traditional medicine today.

In medicine today, people demand to be cured immediately, and the demand for medicines and treatments that do so is very high. Most physicians today are trained to assess physical symptoms and base treatments on that, without much consideration of the person’s emotional or intellectual state.

Since its inception, alternative medicine has survived the ages and stages of the field of medicine. Despite the prevalence of modern medical practices, there are still millions of people worldwide that take advantage of alternative treatments for ailments or well-being. Some of these alternative treatments include massage therapy, herbal remedies, and meditation. Massage is one of the most long-standing forms of alternative treatment, and it is highly popular today as a treatment for aches and pains, and as a means of stress release and relaxation. Most people probably don’t even think about massage as a type of alternative medicine.

Through the ages, every society has used their own forms of alternative medicines and treatments. There is over 5000 years of history and many types of treatments that were used far and wide, and many traditional medical treatments can even find their roots in alternative medicine from long ago.

Long ago in Europe, medical issues were treated by one of two types of healers, the physicians or the folk healers. The folk healers appealed to the poorer factions of society, in that they used natural treatments that were more affordable and easier to come by. Folk healers were often highly respected in these underprivileged sections of society. Folk healers often incorporated philosophy and religious faith into their healing practices, which helped to strengthen a sick person’s mind and spirit, as well as his body.

Eventually, folk medicine evolved into the traditional medicine we are familiar with in today’s world. With each passing century, many great advances have been made in treatments and cures for various diseases and conditions.

Despite the dominance of traditional medicine in the world today, there is still a place for alternative medicine. It is alive and well, and used by many people around the world through massage therapy, acupuncture, aromatherapy, herbal remedies, meditation, and many other forms of alternative treatments. Many physicians now support many of these treatments, making them less alternative.

The origins of alternative medicine were very forward thinking. Alternative medicine has survived through the millennia because it has real validity, despite a great deal of ridicule through the ages. Though they do not have the immediate effect that many drugs and treatments of traditional medicine, they are a feasible option for a person to consider.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

What Is Alternative Medicine?

This is a term used to describe the different forms of medicine other than conventional methods. Alternative medicine includes a wide variety of medical practices including non-European (non-Western) medical practices and will include some new approaches to medicine. There is also a term called complementary medicine. This is a combination of conventional medicine coupled with alternative medicine.

With increasing research and new findings in medicine there is a universal rise in the We

Basic Acupuncture.Image via Wikipedia

stern nations of alternative medicine. In the Eastern part of the world, namely the Orient, some forms of alternative medicine has been practiced for many centuries. Part of this trend in the West may be due to the growth of medical education among people and the increased amount of travel to different regions. More literature is now available on this subject and medical societies specializing in different forms of alternative medicine are available.

Some of the most common forms of alternate medicine are :

>> Acupuncture
>> Homeopathy
>> Naturopathic medicine
>> Osteopathy

Acupuncture: this is an ancient art which had its origins in the Orient. It involves manipulating and inserting needles into special points in the body. It is thought to restore health and create well-being. There are several forms of acupuncture which are taught worldwide. This is one of the most famous forms of alternative medicine.

Homeopathy: is a form of medicine that tries to stimulate the body’s immune system in order to promote healing. The practice of Homeopathy endeavors to bring the entire body back into homeostasis, or balance.

Naturopathic medicine: Is a practice that is designed to stimulate the body’s own healing system. This system utilizes multiple forms of alternative medicine. It can also be referred to as Natural therapy, and can include dietary supplements, exercise and different foods.

Osteopathy: Was originally a form of alternative medicine based on manipulation of the joints. It is still used for chronic back pain. It is often used with other forms of medicine.

When treating illness and serious diseases it is important to consult your physician before taking any decisions. Many doctors will endorse some sort of alternative medicine coupled with conventional medicine, especially if conventional medicine is not proving very effective for a chronic condition. Despite the lack of credibilty given it by MD.s, some alternative medicine can work surprisingly well. It will all depend on your particular illness and your own body’s functionality whether alternative medicine will work well for you.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Many Uses of Natural Herbal Remedies and Oils

Now a days, there is a variety of essential oils, roots, and herbs available to support healthy living. These natural products can be used for treating ailments, flavoring your food, skin care, create perfumes, and manufacture environmentally safe cleaning products.

Tea Tree OilImage via Wikipedia

If you do not have room for a garden, a few herbs planted by a sunny window are enough to get you started. Subsequently, all you will need then are some essential oils and you are ready to embark on a wonderful journey to natural herbal remedies and medicine.

Essential oils versus blended oils.

The first to consider is the essential oils. Only the purest oils will do for therapeutic purposes. Do not be fooled into thinking that you are purchasing pure oil when in fact it is a blend of several oils. Blended oils are acceptable for fragrance such as perfuming a room, but pure oils are necessary for medicinal intent.

A general guide to the purity of oil is its price. Pure oils are normally more expensive. For instance, common oils such as lavender and geranium are less expensive than frankincense and carnation oil. Therefore, it is advisable to become familiar with essential oil prices and then rely on this knowledge when purchasing oils. As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. In addition, a price list from a reputable dealer is a valuable resource when buying essentials oils.

Typically, pure oils cannot be applied directly to the skin and must be mixed with a base oil to lessen their strength. Base oils such as almond oil or wheat germ oil are generally used for this purpose. Base oils are generally derived from seeds, nuts, or vegetables.

Basic oils and natural remedies.

Lavender, without a doubt, is one of the most useful and desirable oils. It will work wonders on cuts, bruises and burns, and promotes sleep and relaxation.

The Tea Tree and Eucalyptus oils are useful for treating a variety of respiratory ailments. These are excellent medication for colds and coughs. These oils can be massaged into the chest or burned in an oil burner to help clear the airways and prevent congestion. Tea Tree oil is a natural antiseptic and can be dabbed on cuts, bites and stings. It is often used to treat spots and pimples and when diluted with water, acts as a mouth gargle (keep in-mind it should never be swallowed).

Geranium oil with its characteristic perfume and pain relieving properties is a basic antiseptic. This herbal remedy should be part of your essential oil and natural herbal remedies garden.

Peppermint oil treats digestive upsets and may be used for breath freshening.

Patchouli and Ylang-ylang oils in an oil burner can perfume a room and add a sense of ambience. Orange oil mixed with Cinnamon oil is a pleasant winter scent that brings to mind seasonal holiday smells. Besides their perfume qualities, all four of these oils have other properties. Patchouli treats eczema and dandruff. Ylang-ylang is reputed to relieve stress, palpitations, and high blood pressure. Orange is used in natural remedies for depression and nervous tension. Cinnamon is excellent for warts and viral infections.

Thyme and Rosemary are considered herbs and can be grown in pots and used when needed. Both of these herbs can be used to create oils or flavor food. Thyme and Rosemary are also antiseptics and can be used in skin care preparations.

Lemon oil and fresh lemons will purify water. When lemon is mixed with honey, it is an effective herbal remedies for colds and flu. Lemon and white vinegar are highly effective cleaning agents that can be used for domestic cleaning tasks without damaging the environment. White vinegar is a natural disinfectant or mix it with water to clean windows and wooden floors.

If you want to keep the insects away this summer, Citronella oil or Garlic will do. Add a capsule of garlic to your dog's food and your dog will not be bothered by fleas. You could also soak a soft dog collar in Citronella to keep fleas and mosquitoes at bay.

Garlic helps to promote a healthy immune system. When the weather turns cold and the viruses begin to circulate, adding garlic to your diet will leave you less susceptible. In fact, most of the oils and herbs listed above are effective in helping to prevent many common winter illnesses.

If you are looking for natural herbal remedies or nature friendly products, the oils and herbal remedies recommended above should help you get started.

Click HERE to visit our Site on Natural Herbal Remedy.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Herbs And Natural Cures

Does anybody out there know anything about herbs and natural cures? I am no great pro but even I have picked up some pointers over the years.

Take lavender! I love lavender. Lavender is so easy to plant and look after, flourishes year

Lavendar flowerImage via Wikipedia

after year, has a lovely, soothing scent, is known to induce relaxation, and keeps the moths away. I have a lavender plant on my kitchen window sill and sachets of lavender in my cupboards.

There are many methods to learn about herbal gardening. I personally have plenty of herbal gardening books on hand. You can exchange information with fellow gardeners or plant nursery salespersons too. And don’t forget elderly people. They have a wealth of information about herbs and natural cures.

Just the other day I mentioned to an elderly friend that my hair has been losing its luster. “No problem,” she said. “Take one egg yolk, olive oil, juice of one lemon. Mix together in a bowl. Using your fingers or a basting brush, rub or brush the mixture thoroughly onto your scalp, around the hair roots, and onto the hair. Wrap a towel around your hair for two hours, then rinse in lukewarm water and shampoo as usual”.

I followed her instructions. Sure enough, my hair has a renewed luster and more body than it has had in a long time.

You can learn about natural cures by improvising with things found at home. Did you ever feel like your face was an elastic mask? I did. I desperately needed something to soothe and moisturize my skin. Yogurt was the perfect solution. After rubbing some on my face and letting it soak in I felt and looked twenty years younger.

Natural cures are my idea of fun!

Herbal Remedy Secret Uncovered


Monday, September 14, 2009

Natural Remedies

The body is a wondrous machine and is designed to take massive abuse before it fails.

Unfortunately, it doesn't always give clear signs of abuse until it's too late. So many people believe heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, and obesity are just part of the natural aging process. However, it’s our lack of exercise and terrible diet, which accelerates our aging and causes us to fall ill before our time.

Despite progress we always have those among us who believe the "old fashioned" ways or products are better. It has to be said that in some instances they are correct. Sadly, with each passing generation, some of this old fashioned wisdom disappears.

Progress is so contemporary and so closely a part of our daily lives that we sometimes fail to recognize that we, ourselves, may fail to keep up with what is happening. Things that we would have considered very modern because we witnessed their creation only a few years ago may already be "old fashioned" to high school students.

In the medical world, treatment that might have been popular for a disease in 1986 may be completely outmoded in 2006. Even medical discoveries of the 1990's may be old fashioned today.

However, over the years, and for generation after generation, a great number of home remedies for many illnesses have managed to stay alive. They have been passed down from elders to youngsters in each country throughout the world. Many of them are strikingly similar although they may have originated on separate continents among completely alien peoples.

This area of medicine is commonly called "folk medicine." Few people will have failed to have come into contact with this term at one time or another. Usually folk medicines are the "old fashioned remedies, the cure that "Grandma used"; the wisdom of the oldster who remembers when "My old friend Betty would have died if they hadn't used that old remedy! Yes
sir, even the doctor had to admit it worked."

Periodically there seems to be a revival in folk medicine. We appear to be now experiencing such a time as more people are becoming concerned, not only about the high cost of medicine, but also the increasing discoveries of side effects. Nature has given us many natural remedies, with little or no side effects.

Basically most folk medicine is closely associated with herbs, food, oils, minerals and components found in any household. Techniques and methodology of folk medicine are especially adaptable to home use.

It is not difficult to understand how many of these medicines and treatments originated and why they were popular. Among pioneers and peoples where doctors were few and far between, or nonexistent, medical aids were the products of experience and necessity. People used what they had at hand. Sometimes what they "had at hand" are still used by our most modern medical experts.

Many people accept herbal medications as safe because they are ‘natural’, but this is not necessarily so. Many plants are poisonous, or may have serious side effects or give allergic reactions when taken by susceptible individuals. One such case is bee pollen. Just as you can be allergic to bee stings without knowing it (if you’ve never been stung) so an allergy to bee pollen may also be present. While many herbal concoctions can be useful,

We suggest finding a Homeopathic Doctor that balances the need for medication with a change in lifestyle and diet as a part of your overall game plan to get back on the road to better health.


A Short History of Herbs

The world of today is a world of progress, no one doubts about that. We have managed to do in 200 years of continuous industrial revolution, what we couldn’t do in thousand

Thyme from Project Gutenberg EBook of Culinary...Image via Wikipedia

s and thousands of tumultuous history. And yet, with all these technological breakdowns and synthetic substances, artificial food, not to mention the reign of King Plastic, some people still find the power and the wisdom to ask themselves how people in the past remained healthy and fit without nutritional supplements, drugs, even antibiotics. Their secret was that that they used what Mother Nature gave them: the plants to cure themselves. Fortunately, this knowledge hasn’t been forgotten; even if they’re not so widely used, plants have found their place in our civilization.

The story begins thousands of years ago, before the recorded history, when man didn’t know how to write or read, but knew how to follow their instincts. They discovered that certain herbs could alleviate their pains, others could make a wound disappear and others could even kill them. In the course of time, societies developed and with them appeared the means to transmit their knowledge other than orally.

5000 years ago, in Ancient China, people used rhubarb (Rheune palmatum) as a purgative without knowing anything about the actual active substances they contained. Also, they used Ephedra to treat asthma, even though the substance called ephedrine was discovered much later, in 1887 AD. All oriental ancient civilizations had their insights into the fascinating world of botany, as plants were one of the few elements to which they could resort to heal themselves. The famous king Hammurabi of Babylon (18th century BC) recommended mint to cure constipation and other digestive disorders. Mesopotamian doctors considered that the best time to take a herbal medicine was at night or early in the morning, a principle which is confirmed nowadays by modern studies. The Indians had an entire system of rules, prescriptions, remedies and practices, called Ayurveda, many of which involved the use of plants. They also had strict rules about when, by whom and from where the plants should be collected

People in Ancient Egypt knew and used the castor-oil plant, wormwood, saffron and oregano to heal and disinfect wounds; they also put coriander in their tombs so that the spirit will remain healthy in his afterlife. There are written records of their use of garlic (especially for the workmen who built the pyramids), indigo, mint and opium. The Greek and Roman civilizations have made a major contribution to the medical science. Although much of their studies stemmed from other cultures (Mesopotamian, Egyptian), they added precious information and, in time, they became more and more concerned about the diseases and cures as natural and realistic processes, rather than spiritual or magical. Physicians like Hippocrates, Dioscoride and others have recorded their discoveries; their works would enlighten the pre-medieval civilizations for many centuries after their death. Dioscorides wrote De Materia Medica (1st century AD), which contained a list of hundreds of medicinal plants, along with their description and curative qualities.

The Dark Ages met with a lack of any further recorded herbal studies; the knowledge was probably transmitted from generation to generation – parents taught children, monks, even herbalist taught apprentices. However, there lived a great Persian physician by the name of Avicenna (Abu Ali al-Husayn ibn Abd Allah Ibn Sina) who wrote one of the most famous books in the history of medical science: The Canon, which also contained information about how plants should be used and their properties.

In1527, the Swiss thinker Paracelsus demonstrates that only a small part of the plant has an effect upon the human body (1g per 20 kg of plant), which is what we now call active substance. Later on, scientists have developed methods to isolate these substances.

However, the first complete categorization of all known medicinal plants was printed in a book called Theatrum Botanicum by John Parkinson in 1640 AD. In 1649 Nicholas Culpeper pulished A Physical Directory, which is considered one of the best herbal pharmacopoeia manuals still quoted today.

As chemistry as a science developed, physicians started to use more and more widely synthetic medicines, such as aspirin, which proved to have side effects. Yet all pharmacists and drug producers confirm the fact that, unlike artificially synthesized substances, medicines extracted from plants are more accessible to the metabolism and friendlier with the human body.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Herbal remedies

Drugs often contain chemicals that cause adverse side effects over a long-term period. Now, more people are using herbs and home remedies to cure minor ailments to avoid overloading the body with chemicals.


Ginger cross-sectionImage via Wikipedia

Instead of taking more chemicals into the stomach, try to soothe the upset organ with relaxing ginger tea. Boil your own with a thumbnail piece of ginger. Add sugar or honey for taste.

If your body is too dry, you may suffer from constipation or experience difficulty in clearing your bowels. A painless and pleasant remedy is to drink prune juice. This provides fast, effective relief. Be wary of drinking more than a glass of this potent juice, though. It may cause the reverse condition of constipation.

If you have a cold, cook a vegetable soup to boost your immune system. Boil lightly a colorful range of different vegetables with garlic and a teaspoon of black pepper. Toss in a couple of tomatoes for a good measure of Vitamin C. The vegetables provide multi-vitamins and minerals to boost your immune system to fight the cold. Garlic has anti-bacterial properties and helps to fight germs and viruses. Black pepper has chemicals to affect your body's metabolism, which will in turn boost the immune system.

Cucumbers and coconut juice are "coolers" because they remove metabolic heat generated in the body. They are excellent thirst quenchers for the parched throat, dry body, or feverish body. They work twice as effectively as plain water alone and do not give you the bloated feeling of drinking too much water.

Insomnia is a common sleeping disorder that may affect people of all ages. Even children may experience difficulty in falling to sleep from time to time. Whenever a person's body

AromatherapyImage via Wikipedia

clock experiences a change, then the body's internal rhythm or circadian cycles are disrupted. A hot, milky beverage will usually lull you to sleep. Lavender in its dried form or essential oil form is commonly used in aromatherapy to help insomnia sufferers. A few whiffs of the herb
sends you to dreamland. It is harmless enough for use with children and babies in the same room. There are also sedative teas like chamomile tea, which relaxes your body to induce sleep.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

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Postings on Herbal Secrets will be posted soon with a lot of surprises.


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