Image via WikipediaEach year, millions of Americans are faced with minor medical issues. These minor medical issues can range from headaches to chicken pox to head lice to warts. Although most minor medical issues, such as the ones previously mentioned, do not require medical treatment, many individuals are still looking for relief. Although over-the-counter medications do work in most cases, did you know that there is likely a number of natural remedies that you can also use to seek relief?
As nice as it is to hear that many minor medical issues can be treated with a natural remedy, you may be curious as to why you should give it a try. After a close examination, you will find that there are a number of benefits to using natural remedies, as opposed to over-the-counter medications. A few of those benefits are highlight below for your convenience.
Perhaps, the greatest reason why you should at least give natural remedies a close look is because you know what you are putting into your body. For example, the juice from grapes is known as a natural remedy for headaches. When eating grapes or simply just drinking the juice from them, you know exactly what you are putting into your body, a grape. On the other hand, over-the-counter pain relievers are filled with countless ingredients, which are not natural. In fact, over-the-counter pain relievers and other over-the-counter medications are often full of warnings. This should cause you concern if it doesn't already.
In addition to being known as natural remedies, many are also commonly referred to as home remedies. This is because many individuals have the ingredients required in their homes already. For example, did you know that warts can effectively be removed by applying fresh cut onions, potatoes, or even pineapples to the wart? They can be and there is a good chance that you already have at least one of these food items in your home. What does this mean for you? It means that, depending on the home remedy in question, you can seek relief from the comfort of your own home, without making an extra trip to the drug store and without spending any additional money.
Speaking of saving money with the use of natural or home remedies, you may be surprised just how much money you are able to save. For example, if you are a parent whose child has head lice, did you know that you could easily spend between $30 and $50 on over-the-counter treatments? You can, but it is also important to mention that many young children develop lice multiple times a year. This is often due in part to the fact that not all children in a classroom have their lice effectively removed and lice may still be present in the home, which makes a re-infection easy. This could result in spending hundreds of dollars on over-the-counter treatments, when vinegar and mayonnaise are known as natural ways to get rid of head lice.
Another one of the many benefits to relying on the use of natural remedies, as opposed to over-the-counter medications, is the ease of use. As previously stated, many natural and home remedies use items that you already have inside your home, saving you a trip to the store and money. Not only that, but if you are currently unfamiliar with home remedies, it is easy to research them, especially online. A standard internet search can be performed, with the phrase 'natural remedies' or 'home remedies'. With that being said, there are home and natural remedy books that can be purchased for affordable prices, both on and offline.
As you can see, there are a number of benefits to relying on natural remedies to treat many minor medical issues, especially when compared to over-the-counter medications. As previously stated, it is easy to find a wide range of home remedies online, free of charge. For that reason, at least consider trying a home remedy the next time that you are looking to seek relief. You may be surprised with the results.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Natural Remedies - Why you should give them a try...
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Smoother skin with Home remedies..
There are a lot of home remedies for skin care. One of the most commonly suggested is blending the egg white and honey well and then apply them on the face. Experts believe that this makes your skin smooth and helps to reduce wrinkles.
Also, you should try blending turmeric powder with milk and apply on the face. This specifically removes the tan and assists in reducing the growth of facial hair. When it is already applied on the face, scrub it off with a good face scrub and then wash with cold water. Not the extremely cold water. You can even keep it overnight.
Some experts also recommend blending oatmeal along with curds and tomato juice for facial care. This is often kept for 20 minutes and washed off with cold water. This is also potent for removing the tan and keeping the skin light.
Did you know that cucumber juice is an excellent astringent for a beautiful, smooth skin? Yes it is. Applying cucumber juice on the face helps tighten the skin pores. However, it is necessary to wash it off after 15 minutes for better result.
Another great tip for skin conscious is to apply Vaseline over the entire body after a shower. Then, shower again after one hour and repeat this twice a month. This also improves the condition of the skin.
Finally, you can use glycolic acid (mild peel) and trichloracetic acid (medium peel solutions. As found out, these peels are safe and not overly aggressive. They do not necessitate time off from work or social activities, and these peels smoothen, soften and freshen the skin.
Always note that your skin reflects your health. It is your body’s canvas and one of its valuable assets. So, for good skin care, start developing healthy habits that generally protect your valued possession, which the skin, from the outer and inner forces. Your daily habits mean everything as it is the only skin you’ll ever get.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Spices Vs Herbs - Whats The Difference
Spices and herbs are common in most foods around the world today. Both are used to flavor foods and some for medicinal purposes. Herbs and spices have both been prominent throughout human history. In earlier times, herbs and spices were considered luxuries and only a
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The essential difference between an herb and a spice is where it is obtained from on a plant. Herbs usually come from the leafy part of a plant, and are usually dried. However, some herbs can be used fresh. Spices can be obtained from seeds, fruits, roots, bark, or some other vegetative substance. Spices are not necessarily as fresh as some herbs can be. Herbs can be found many places around the world, while spices are more commonly found in the Far East and tropical countries. Herbs are considered to have a few more uses than spices. For instance, herbs have been used more frequently than spices in the medical field. Also, herbs can and have been used to augment cosmetics and preserve foods.
Some argue that there is no distinction between herbs and spices, considering both have similar uses. However, a botanical definition reveals that an herb is a plant that doesn’t produce a woody stem. It is common knowledge that in certain areas of the United States, a dried herb is considered to be a spice. This leads to more confusion because if a spice is simply an herb, then there cannot be a difference between the two. However, believing this is ignoring the fact that many herbs tend to be leafy green substances and spices are found in plants that are tropical in nature.
Because herbs and spices have so many uses and are great food flavorings, they have played important roles throughout history. The Portuguese navigator, Vasco Da Gama, sailed to India in search of spices. Even Christopher Columbus described the types of spices available in the “new world” to investors after he landed. Herbs have been used throughout history for medicinal purposes. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), herbology (the study of herbs for medical purposes) has been used for thousands of years.
The debate between herbs and spices is ongoing. Some say that there is no difference, while others maintain that they are both completely different. Most learned scholars will say that the difference between an herb and a spice is found in where the herb or spice is obtained on the plant, and where that specific plant can be found.